jueves, 22 de mayo de 2008

Line E

The E line it´s the weirdest of all subway lines
I remembered for short times inside of this subway places of my childhood in a very basic city, in the nineties.. i remember this days with a peculiar natural light, own of that small city, a calm light cause a calm environment, like sundays..I used to go to very basic places by then: my elementary school, the church, friend´s houses and my previous house; over all that places, predominated a yellow color in walls, like cream, yellow lights from the lamps, (still not yet the savers focus kind were used), objects owners of the midle class, and nineties design.
I came nostalgic with the casserole lamps shape, with yellow light in the subway. I was sitted in a foil bank for two, at my side, a forty woman from work, with a plastic bag, bah!...in front of me, a teenage girl very similar to my, and at my other side the window, with absurd steel protections at the elbow level, with the subway tunnel wall just a few centimeters of me passing in dangerous speed. Make me think about the feeling of living at fifteen minutes near of the forest, sounds crazy but look: I realized now was like a savage feeling made up of a very open place, no buildings, no difficulties, all calm and nostalgic.
The fucking sound the subway line "e" was doing!..: a sound that seems to tell you "look the machine´s older than the other subways machine, cause this is not a touristic zone", or "look that´s how the machine sounds, but is just the travel from your work to your home"...What a thing..

1 comentario:

spychopent dijo...

Me gusta mucho este texto,que bien que has vuelto a redactar con esa peculiaridad tuya.Me encanto lo del sonido del metro me identifico con ese pensamiento mucho, el de sentirse *vivo*.
Enserio que es de admirar, que por medio de letras, te des a entender tan facil y de una manera tan humilde que ala vez se vuelbe exacta para transmitir ciertas anecdotas en la vida.
Respecto alas ilustraciones te felicito,cumplen con lo buscadi me imagino jeje.. enserio me encantaron,ya que reflejan un medio ilustrativo que en union con tus palabras forman la expresion.
Bueno meda gusto que sigas escribiendo de esta manera,mucha suerte en general te deseo lo mejor de lomejor deveras erik.