martes, 5 de febrero de 2008

The jungle

My mom have, i wouldn´t lie, 1hundred potted plants inside and out of the house, without counting the plants of the garden. My house is a jungle since i was a little handyfeety. Now, i love them, but some little sense is starting to appear inside me with the other face of that like.
They need water, could you believe it?
They are here just for the view, in an artificial ambient, giving me work all day, on vacations.
my mom´s wish is to calm her ancious hands with this little friends, but she is starting to abuse of that relationship. First, the stair was full of plants of only one colour. Then, plants of different colours; three: plants of different styles, heights, with flowers, green leaves, brown leaves, blabla, four: two different plants in a same pot, five: pots up of the window-sink garden, thats isn´t insane for they?, thats isn´t like the gluttony of the gardening? i don´t found any other name for such kind of sickness.
Today i was on my room, with a finger on my nose when a stranger sound stoped my ugly habit: something fell of the sky in.., guess what, above the garden out of my window... i went upstairs and a part of the glass of a window was out of place. I discover that the rubber of the window days later was damaged. I examinated it an discovered a branch of creeper plant has entered and replaced the rubber of the window. This little mishap made me carving my teeth and write this.
i could guess i´ll be the one gonna get the glass guy couse my funny vacations on jungle..
love u mom:)